
September 02, 2009 • General

Once again, this blog will be extremely short. I would just like to let everyone know, I will be headed to the doctor today to try and figure out what in the world has struck me since I have been sick for close to two whole weeks now. When I am settled in Seattle early next week, I’ll let everyone know about my general thoughts regarding the NH disaster and everything else.


  1. Phil Irwin

    Hang in there man. It sounds like you’ve been through hell. I’m looking forward to the bounce back. The space needle has special curing powers..Phil

  2. timhortons

    you cant win them all… move forward and keep on winning as much as you can:)

    God speed…

  3. Hope you get well soon and rest up.

  4. Hope you start feeling better soon. Regardless of the ELO ups and downs, you have a lot of fans who wish you the best both on and off the board!!!!

  5. Stonedking

    Don’t bother going to do doctor. You are experiencing bullet withdrawls its very common in chess players. Come out of retirement from ICC and play some Bullet and you will feel better after a few games! 🙂

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